University life

University is the place to shape you up for the future. But the entire life of university you have to go through academic difficulties. Because the education system is not the same as the previous education. There is a new system, an environment like a new world. Here in Tokyo International University life is going through a ton of stress Because last 3 years I was not practically involved in any academic project/activities like here I am doing. Yes, I went to a Japanese language school for 2 years but there was not any academic pressure and we did class besides doing fun. If you are in the rhythm of study it does not matter whether you are varsity or college. I think after one or two semesters I will get back my previous rhythm and will start to enjoy my varsity life and waiting for these days eagerly.

 It is very important to do part-time while studying abroad. Personally, I do not want to bother my parents for paying tuition fees. If I considered my countries culture and tradition youth who are above 23/24 ages they do not like to pressurize their parents to bear their tuition and daily living expenses. Here in Japan, I am also doing part time job weekly 28 hours as we are permitted to do by Japan immigration. I got 150000 yen per month as a salary and for daily living, I spent 70000 yen per month and the rest of the money I do a deposit for my next tuition fees. Till now I did not face any awkward social situation since I have two years living experience in Japan I did not have to face any social problem or any awkwardness.

I should say i am the luckiest one to be studied in a famous government school. In Bangladesh govt. schools are pretty well known and the way the teched us is very effective. Since we do study from the beginning of our primary education i think we were well prepared to enter university. The Japanese education system is very practical whereas Bangladeshi education is not based practical. 


  1. What do you mean by Bangladeshi education is not practice based? Do you mean that you do not learn "real world" skills or that it is not very hands on?


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