
Internet is the most popular word among all over the world. Its hard to find someone who do not know about internet. I exactly remembered when did i first use or the word of internet. Its in 2005 when i was in 5th grade, our ICT teacher has introduced about internet and created a gmail to everyone. we were so exited on that time and interestingly we were supposed to video chat with a foreign friends who speak english. On that time, i was feeling so proud. For instance, i went to my cousins home and told everyone that i have a gmail account do you guys have any, i know that on that time no one has gmail account amongst them.

Internet has changed over the year very rapidly. At beginning of the internet there has not so many opportunities to surfing. Moreover, it was not widely known to everyone. However, day by day it has improved significantly and reached all most everyones hand. Now it is very common to everyone. Its become the basic things of our daily life. Ok go back to previous talk, after opening my first gmail account i did not do remarkably anything with that. After completing my high school level in 2011 i have first opened a Facebook account and from then i have been using internet officially. Now i have been using almost all of the social site but recently i uninstalled all of the social sites application. After doing so many conflicts with my mind finally i could been able to delete all of the apps.

Its happens especially when did i researched on my cause and effective essay and i found internet is very time consuming and its wasting our precious time by surfing on those sites. Basically, internets impact on me various way. It has both positive and negative impact on me. The positive of internet is i can go easily anywhere by google maps without anyone helps and can get information whatever i want to. The negative impact of internet is it makes me addicted on internet and has wasted my precious time and day by day i am being unsocialised. I do not get mix up with anyone.


  1. What do you mean that you had many conflicts with your mind? Did uninstalling social media apps help? What are other ways people can manage their Internet use ?


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