
 I am a sportive person and like to do sports whenever I get free. I love to play Football, Cricket, Badminton and Basketball. But all of these I love to play cricket very much. It's my passion to play cricket and spread cricket among who do not know what is cricket. As a cricket fan participating in physically or watching on tv, I do like both of these. But if I have to choose between participating and watch I obviously say participate in physically. Because it gives me more pleasure and enjoys the whole time in the field with a teammate. Moreover, you can do so many things participating in sports. You will learn the manner, leadership and also can improve your communication skill.

 Taking part in sport can help us feel fitter, healthier and mentally strong, and that is just the start of it. Sport can also be fun, especially when played as part of a team or with family or friends. sport can also develop great leaders and be an opportunity for individuals to shine, whether it is playing for a local grassroots club or at an international level.

Sport can be a subject or a tool of international relations. It can be used by states or geopolitical blocks to display their alleged superiority or any other desired characteristic. The sport is a part of the universal culture, is an important instrument of combining different people in the world. It is an activity that contributes to world peace.

Sport is so positive for young adults and creates such a great outcome for society. in our everyday lives, there is always so much going on and it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture. peoples who are engaged in sports are less likely to get involved with drugs and less likely to get pregnant. Youths, play sport to have fun, belong to a group, find excitement and gain recognition. It allows them to improve their skills and learn new ones, become fit, and find success.


  1. I've never met someone who was such a big fan of cricket! How did you become involved in it? Do you still play now, in Japan?


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