attending on class

in modern age technology are developing and ideas about learning changing, there are many different opinions about whether it should still be compulsory for students to attend classes.I am of the opinion that it remains important for students to physically attend their classes.I will explore why I feel this way in the following essay.

        To begin with, being physically present in a class makes it more likely that a student will participate in conversation and debate, which will help him following his graduation. And it’s very significant to be in class.  University education is not just about writing essays and getting grades, but rather it is about spending time in a stimulating academic environment. It is very important for students to share their opinions with others both inside and out of the lecture hall, and even to engage in healthy debate with their professors.  Exchanges of this type shape young minds, and students who miss out on them do not get as much from their degree program as they ought to.

in addition, the class gives you another perspective on the materials just beside the book. even if you think you already understand the topic well, class always added something new. the instructor sometimes goes over examples or applications you haven't seen before. concept in class may be presented in a different way than in the text and student questions and discussion on a specific topic may be elaborate on the material or provide new insights.  

  Furthermore, attending classes helps students to network with like-minded people, which also makes it easier to find jobs following their graduation.  As I said above, students are likely to talk to their classmates during lectures.  This not only helps them to become effective communicators, but also assists them in forming relationships and friendships with their peers.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that it is still very important for students to attend classes.  This is because attending on class helps them to be  perfect in  their communication skills, and because the opportunities for networking that it provides are extremely valuable.


  1. This is a well structured paper and you bring very important points with supporting details. Each paragraph is clear and easy to understand the topic sentence. I enjoyed reading it, well done!

    *Remember your punctuations: capitalizations, periods, commas, etc.


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